Finnish Social Pedagogy Conference 2021

– Towards anti-racist social pedagogy

When: March 18th and 19th, 2021

Where: online (the links will be sent to the participants after the registration ends)

Anti-racism is an active form of action against racism in our everyday environments, in the society and in the world. The conference provides us opportunities to identify and reflect on different forms of racism and to look for ways to resist and reduce racism in our encounters with others at work, in research, in civic engagements, and in life in general. The conference consists of invited speakers’ lectures, research presentation sessions and practical workshops presenting practices and working methods in the field of anti-racist education and social pedagogical work.

The main language of the conference is Finnish but some sessions in the program are in English or both in Finnish and in English. The language of different sessions will be shown in the final program (will be published in the beginning of March when all the presentations are confirmed).


Call for Papers

Call for Workshops

Registration and fees

